Root Canals

Root Canal Treatment in Middletown-Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Middletown

Root Canal Therapy in Middletown, CT

Our teeth are made up of three important components: dental enamel, dentin, and pulp. Dental enamel is the outer protective layer, while dentin is a softer layer underneath. The pulp, which is a delicate tissue, is located beneath the dentin and contains connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.

Normally, the pulp is protected by the enamel and dentin. However, when harmful bacteria enter this area through deep cavities, fractures, or tooth trauma, infections can occur.

An infected tooth often causes severe pain, and if left untreated, the discomfort tends to worsen over time. In such cases, tooth removal may be necessary, although this is always considered a last resort.

Missing teeth can lead to various oral health problems, such as bone loss and shifting of neighboring teeth. Root canal treatment offers a solution by eliminating the infection, preserving natural teeth, and restoring overall oral health. Compared to tooth extraction, root canal treatment has the advantages of less discomfort and shorter recovery times.

Root Canal Treatment Indications

What occurs during a root canal?

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